Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What is inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)?
Inflammatory bowel disease is the invasion of inflammatory cells into the stomach and intestines. IBD can be of unknown cause (i.e., idiopathic), or triggered by parasites, bacterial infection, dietary intolerance, genetic factors, and abnormal immune response to bacterial antigens. IBD is a “diagnosis of exclusion,” meaning underlying conditions have been ruled out.
What are common IBD signs in dogs?
Early signs include:
Increased or decreased appetite
Intermediate to advanced signs include:
Weight loss
Blood in vomit or stool
Abdominal pain
Distended abdomen
Difficulty breathing
How is IBD managed in dogs?
IBD treatment has many approaches, with testing and treatment for parasites the first step. Changing to a high fiber or low-antigenic prescription diet can resolve many IBD cases in dogs. Certain probiotics, used alone or in combination with a food trial, have shown promising results. Antibiotics can decrease intestinal bacteria, and the body’s inflammatory response to bacterial antigens. Immunosuppressive medications (e.g., steroids or other therapies) are needed if treatment response is poor. Adding B vitamins, or anti-nausea or anti-diarrheal medication, is often helpful. Dogs with IBD need regular veterinary visits and diagnostic monitoring, and discussing a personalized management plan with your veterinarian is important for the best outcome for your dog.
What is the prognosis for dogs with IBD?
With appropriate treatment, most dogs with IBD can live healthy, comfortable lives. Some dogs have a good response after a few months of treatment, or may go in and out of remission from the disease. Many dogs require a specialized diet or lifelong therapy. Dogs who are refractory to treatment, have an underlying disease, or develop stomach or intestinal cancer have a poorer prognosis.
Management tips for dogs with IBD
At-home needs include:
Easy access to food and water, and a comfortable location
Strict adherence to an appropriate prescription diet
Consistency with prescription medications or supplements
Monitoring appetite, vomiting, defecation, weight, and energy level
In a crisis situation:
Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog stops eating; has uncontrollable diarrhea or vomiting, a distended abdomen, or difficulty breathing; or vocalizes in pain.